Did Man Create God?


Myth and ritual


    Myths form the basis of religion. One aspect of the human mind that accompanied the evolution of a high level of intelligence was an obsession with wanting to know the answer to all possible questions. Why are we here? What is the purpose of our existence?  How did we come into being? Who created us? Where do we go when we die?...In the times prior to the scientific method, if we didn’t know the answer, we simply made up one. [p541]

    Myth and ritual are inseparable. Joseph Campbell, the master of myth, stated that myths were the mental supports of ritual and rites and that rites were the physical enactments of myths. [p543]

   …Since they are not based in fact myths can remain unchanged over the centuries bringing a sense of stability and permanence in a changing world. By contrast, scientific facts (logos) often change with new data. Mythos is thus inherently more comforting than logos.

   Rituals, consisting of repetitious, rhythmic, chanting, singing, or prayer, activate portions of the brain that enhance the sense of spirituality and oneness with a supreme being and represent the physical enactment of myths. Myths and rituals form an integral part of all religions. [p544]

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